Apr 25 , 2022
List of 10 Summer Activities For Kids At Home
Fun Activities For Kids To Do At Home
It's not always possible to walk outside and enjoy the fresh air with energetic children, especially during the summer. Summer vacation is starting, and our children are certain to be both excited and restless. You'll most likely require indoor kids activities that will keep them occupied for an extended period of time. As a result, you can look up fun activities for kids at home to entertain them during their holidays.
When your children are at home, the hours can appear to stretch on indefinitely. To assist, we've created a list of 10 fantastic activities for kids to do at home. The majority of the activities on this list are simple to set up with items you already have at home.
Top 10 Fun Indoor Activities for Kids at Home
We as parents always wonder what to do best for our children. To even make their holidays interesting, we look up for the best. Therefore we wonderLearn has come up with various indoor activities for kids at home. You can also download the wonderLearn app and buy creative learning toys for your kids.
1. Water Play
As the temperatures soar, this is a great time to engage little ones in some water play. You will require 2 small tubs, plastic mat or sheet, and containers of different sizes. Get your space ready by setting down a plastic sheet. Place a tub of water on the plastic sheet and the empty tub next to it. Give your little one the different containers, and watch as they have fun filling the empty tub using these containers. It may be a little messy, but sometimes the messier, the more fun! Comment if your child ever tried this water activity for kids.
2. Learning Toys
Make summer vacation also useful with learning toys for kids that will help in your child development. Play-first learning with 500+toys made of high quality wooden fabric materials to help nurture your kids. Buy your activity box today. Have you ever tried any learning activity for kids yet?
3.Outdoor fun-zone
What’s more exciting to children than a little adventure? You can create an outdoor fun activity for kids zone, in the garden, balcony, or even a corner of their playroom or bedroom. This is a zone where imagination will be their primary tool. Stock the space with books, art material, blocks, puzzles and other activities your little one may enjoy. Make it as cozy as possible with cushions, mats, and colorful sheets! Depending on your child’s interests, you can create a theme for the space (lil’ library, amazing mazes, puzzle party etc), and this can be your little one’s ‘club’ for the day!
4. Summer Garden Project
This may be a little more suitable for older children (4+). With your help, they can create a small garden space - in the balcony or outside the house. Together, plant a few seeds or baby plants (vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, or even succulents), and they can tend to it every day. In the pots, you can place a number to indicate how often the plants need to be watered every week.
5. Digital Games
Incorporate your child's curiosity and brain development with some immersive gaming activities! Get the perfect age-appropriate collection of online games for kids. With various learning activity games for kids, have fun together with your child.
6. Summer Arts & Crafts
This summer, let your little ones put on their creative hats and make something by themselves. Scroll to check out the art activities for kids at home.
- Art Wall: Assign a space in the house (this could be in their room), and paste some chart paper (or even cloth) on the wall, remember to keep it within their own height! Let them make a drawing every day and then stick it on the wall. By the end of the summer, they can proudly display their own little gallery!
- Craft sets: From finger painting to multi-modal craft sets, there are a plethora of choices available online. Let your little ones make a new masterpiece every week, and add it to their gallery!
- Pottery and Playdough: While clay is a harder (and messier) medium to work with, play dough does the magic. Keep your little ones’ hands busy all summer with a set of play dough. You can make it more interesting by coming up with a theme of the day/week, and let them create something new! Imagination and creativity is key here!
- Art with food: Use raw pasta, grains and pulses to make necklaces and bracelets, or even art! They can paint the pasta, use the different pulses and grains to make a colorful range of jewelry; they can draw a picture, and use these elements to fill them in. The sky's the limit when it comes to creativity!
7. Interactive Online Classes
A one-stop learning partner, for your little one- wonderLearn is an all-round learning experience placing the power of teaching in parent's hands. Take full control of your child’s learning process with fun activity boxes delivered at your doorstep! Your kit will include Toys, Puzzles, Books, Art Supplies and much more An interactive digital platform with over 100 hours of meaningful content. Book your demo class today!
8. Host a sleepover
After 2 years of staying in let your children spend some time with their friends (with all precautions in place, and only if everyone is comfortable!). Host a sleepover for your little ones and their friends. Popcorn, a short movie, and some games = the recipe for an evening of memories and fun!
9. Party at Home
This is a great activity to do with kids at home, and we think it's a lot of fun. It might be anything from a simple pretend tea party to a full-fledged party complete with music, balloons, sweets, and games. You may even invite some of your child's pals over to join in the festivities. What are your thoughts on this indoor activity for kids?
10. In House Treasure Hunt
Make a map of your house and place little objects throughout it. On the map, circle each piece of buried treasure. Explain the map to your child and provide your assistance with the hunting game if necessary.
If your children are older, you can use word cards to describe a location where an item has been buried. Personally, this is one of my favorite summer activities for kids at home.
Memories from summer are memories that stay with us a lifetime! DO share pictures and messages with us, if you have re-created some of these memories. Also let us know in the comments if there are any fun list of summer activities for kids at home or traditions that you share with your little ones, and may get featured in an upcoming blog :)
FAQ’S on Activities for Kids at Home
Q. What are 5 indoor activities?
- Art & Crafts
- Water Play
- Party at Home
- Digital Games
- In House Treasure Hunt
Q. How do I keep my child entertained at home?
To keep your child entertained at home, plan for list of interesting fun activities you can do with your child.
Q. How do I keep my 4 year old busy at home?
Enroll your child to wonderLearn’s interactive online classes.