Why Should Children Play With Toys? Importance of Educational Toys for Kids

Jan 19 , 2022


Team wonderLearn

Why Should Children Play With Toys? Importance of Educational Toys for Kids

The importance of play in a child's development cannot be overstated. Toys assist in the development of both the cognitive and linguistic skills of your child when they are playing. When playing with toys, kids become aggressive or emotional and they develop personality traits or styles of play. You might find yourself asking how toys affect children's development?

The answer is very simple toys encourage a child to become social, especially when they engage in a game together. You might think to yourself when should I give my baby toys, since toys are an investment. Let’s understand together how do toys affect children's development in real-life scenarios



How do toys affect children's development?

Imitating behaviors is one of the best skills kids have. She will learn how you dress her, and she will do the same for her favorite doll. In addition, he learns your favorite pets' names, and he names his animal toys. When you speak to your favorite dog or cat, you'll notice how your kid does the same with his or her stuffed animal. Toys encourage development. You might ask “what activities promote cognitive development?’’ Well, whenever he owns a pet as an adult, it will be given a name to prove its ownership. The girl will brush the hair of her doll and the fur of her animal toy. In fact, she will imitate feeding them.

A toy that allows a child to explore widely is the best toy for promoting creativity. The toys a child plays with influence their behavior. It can have a big influence on your child's behavior if you choose the right toys for his toy box.


You should avoid purchasing a toy that your child can't play with. Don't give your child toys that can change his character and make him violent and aggressive. What toys do babies really need? In addition to action figures, toys are classified as educational, animals, entertainment dolls, and weapon toys. To answer the question, what toys do babies really need?

Toys are an important part of your child's development. Rather than just buying one type, try to mix them up so that your child has a greater chance of learning. You will be guided on the best choice of toys if you know exactly what you want at the kid's toy shop.



What activities promote cognitive development in kids?

Childhood is filled with fun toys and games. Additionally, they help children develop in many ways, from promoting learning and physical activity to strengthening self-esteem. Are you curious to learn more about how toys affect children's development?

Learning, acquiring knowledge, and interacting with the environment are all characteristics of cognitive development.  In addition to the cognitive skills a child develops when reaching certain developmental milestones, an active learning environment will benefit a child of any ability.  By incorporating simple activities into your daily routine, you can promote your child's cognitive development in the areas of memory, concentration, attention, and perception.

Children are willing to try anything, even if it isn't suitable for them. All they want is to understand how things work. You can expect your toddler at 12-16 months to thoroughly explore any toy or object within reach - banging, dropping, pushing, and shaking them to see what happens. If your child grows up in a safe environment, he or she will be able to explore freely. These suggestions might be the answer to what activities promote cognitive development.

They might now be able to recognize that things are organized into categories. As your toddler grows, he will begin to group objects into categories - such as colors, shapes, and sizes. This will help with early mathematics skills. This type of play can be played with household items such as pegs and plastic cooking utensils.



What are the best toys for intellectual development?

A child's sense of senses is enhanced, their imagination is stimulated, and their social skills are enhanced by playing with educational and physical activity toys during their development years. How can parents make their children's development more enjoyable? It's up to you to help and mold their innate abilities to learn to create a better future for them. Toys that are educational are not necessarily the ones that feature alphabets or numbers. Puzzles and colorful blocks can also be considered educational toys. Your kids won't be under any pressure from these learning toys. Because of all the fun, your children will have, they won't even realize they are learning. The purpose of educational toys is to promote learning through play. Now you may ask what are the best toys for intellectual development? And how will they help?



Children's sensory-motor skills can be improved through educational toys. Lights and sounds that are bright and colorful can enhance children's sense of sight. Kids who take part in craft activities develop their fine motor skills. The result is improved personality and communication skills in children.



The IQ level of your child is boosted by learning and developmental toys that will improve memory retention, coordination, and literacy. Educational toys and games challenge your child's intellect. The child sees all of the blocks falling to pieces when he tries to stack the blocks but misses to balance them.


A similar example is a puzzle game. To solve puzzles, the kid must focus all of his energy and attention. As their mind grows, these challenges will enable them to develop better problem-solving skills.



As a parent, you can develop a socially-aware child. Children learn through role-playing, understanding emotions, and developing empathy with educational toys. Playing with these toys will expose your child to a variety of social situations involving sharing, leading, bonding, caring, and waiting. Children who play develop their emotional intelligence by responding to emotions like anger, laughter, and sadness.



Playing helps your child focus on a task for a longer period of time. Introducing toys early will enhance your child's concentration. This simple tactic will, later on, be fruitful during his academic years.


Best Educational Toys for Kids









What toys do babies really need?

If you’re torn in two all day by thinking ‘’what toys do babies really need?’’. Don’t worry we have the perfect guide to find all the necessary answers. As your toddler begins to recognize colors and shapes, he or she will also learn how to differentiate them. Therefore, choose toys that are bright, colorful, and fun to hold for little hands. The average toddler can kick a ball, scribble with a crayon, and build towers up to four blocks high by the age of 2. By age 3, they are able to do simple puzzles and ride a tricycle. Observe a lot of repetition as that's how little ones master new skills and learn they have some control over the world around them. But then again what toys do babies really need? Well here are some smart suggestions for smart toddlers :



Smart Toys for Toddlers

  • Balls. Playing with balls improves gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity, whether they are bounced, rolled, caught, or thrown. 
  • Shape-sorting toys. Challenge hand-eye coordination and problem-solving abilities with pegboard puzzles, nesting cups or blocks, and buckets with holes for different-shaped blocks. 
  • Mechanical toys. Playing with pop-up toys, buttons, and levers encourages fine motor skills and problem-solving skills 
  • Role-play toys. Kids learn by imitating your actions and those of other influential adults through play kitchens, doctor's kits, and golf sets. A doll or stuffed animal encourages pretend play (a tea party for teddy bears, perhaps?) and encourages social and emotional development by teaching tots how to express emotions and take care of something they love.



When should I give my baby toys?

Baby's only toy during his first few months of life is you. Soon enough, your child will be curious about the world around him - and everything will be a toy.

Overly complex toys prevent a child from using their imagination. Dolls and stuffed animals that talk or sing or direct kids to press certain buttons essentially take charge of the play situation when the child should be the one directing the action. Simple toys are often the best, such as blocks, because they give children the opportunity to be creative and spontaneous.

Playing "pretend" is a favorite activity for toddlers. At this age, introduce dress-up clothing, dolls, kitchen sets, toy cars, trucks, and school buses. During the preschool years, children learn a lot about socialization and continue to play pretend a lot. Miniature farm and house sets allow them to exercise their imagination, while large crayons, finger paints, and Play-Doh help develop creativity. Children also make huge gains in both fine and gross motor skills throughout this period, so puzzles, large Legos, blocks, and other construction toys are perfect age-appropriate toys. Noise is always an enticement, so young children love drums and hammer-and-peg toys at this age range




Q1. what are the benefits of educational toys

A1. Children learn through play, according to research. A child discovers who they are through play, even during infancy, and ensuring your child has adequate playtime for them is a great benefit to families. Children's minds are already expanding as they take in the world around them during their early development.

 The use of educational toys can help children learn many different skills they will need in their life such as:


  • ·         Problem-solving and determining cause and effect
  • ·         Managing conflict, compromising and sharing
  • ·         Fine and gross motor development
  • ·         Nurturing their imaginations and creativity


Q2. What is the importance of these toys to infants and toddlers?

A2. Through educational toys, children can develop a variety of skills they will need throughout their lives. Educative toys can facilitate problem-solving, teach conflict resolution, and explain how cause and effect work. Additionally, it fosters children's creativity and imagination, helps them develop their fine and gross motor skills, and teaches them about sharing.


Q3. How do toys help physical development?

A3. Living an active lifestyle has a lot of health benefits, and the same is true for children. It has been shown that physically active children are leaner and healthier, while a sedentary childhood can result in a sedentary lifestyle as an adult. Furthermore, physical play helps children use up their natural energy stores (a must!) and encourages better eating and sleeping habits. You want to help your child develop healthy habits they will carry into adulthood, right? Play is the key!


Q4. What toys should every kid have?


  •    Balls. Playing with balls improves gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity, whether they are bounced, rolled, caught, or thrown.
  •   Shape-sorting toys. Challenge hand-eye coordination and problem-solving abilities with pegboard puzzles, nesting cups or blocks, and buckets with holes for different-shaped blocks
  •   Mechanical toys. Playing with pop-up toys, buttons, and levers encourages fine motor skills and problem-solving skills.
  •    Role-play toys. Kids learn by imitating your actions and those of other influential adults through play kitchens, doctor's kits, and golf sets. A doll or stuffed animal encourages pretend play (a tea party for teddy bears, perhaps?) and encourages social and emotional development by teaching tots how to express emotions and take care of something they love.

Q5. What toys make babies smarter?

A5. Through educational toys, children can develop a variety of skills they will need throughout their lives. Educative toys can facilitate problem-solving, teach conflict resolution, and explain how cause and effect work. Additionally, it fosters children's creativity and imagination, helps them develop their fine and gross motor skills, and teaches them about sharing. 

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