The Importance of Phonics in Early Year Education 

May 08 , 2021


Aditi Sriprasad

The Importance of Phonics in Early Year Education 

What are Phonics?
Phonics is the method through which one learns or is taught a new language. They are the basic set of sounds that make up a language, and are the building blocks of language. Phonics help one ‘sound out’ a language, and therefore learn to read and write it better.

Why is it important for children to learn phonics? 
Phonics are the building blocks of language and thus helps children develop a deeper understanding of the language. 

The benefits of learning phonics in the early years include: 

  • Brain development: Learning to sound out words leads to a better foundation for reading skills, and also helps strengthen and develop connections in the brain. Learning phonics in a foundational program at a basic level helps children lay a strong basis for developing strong reading skills later in life. 
  • Recall and recognition: Practicing phonic sounds through cue cards, and reading later on, helps quicken the time taken to recognise and recall words and letters. 
  • Reading and phonics recognition also helps develop patience and concentration
  • Language Development: When children can break down a word into smaller phonemes, it becomes easier for them to read larger and more complex words. 
  • Learning phonics, through fun ways, also helps develop a love for reading, language and learning.

While there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ age to start making your little one aware of the different phonic sounds, it is important to ensure they are exposed to a range of sounds. Therefore, parents, teachers and everyone interacting with children should ensure that they speak slowly and clearly to ensure little ones absorb all the sounds properly. As always, remember to make the learning experience joyful and fun!

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