Jan 26 , 2022
What is Patriotism? How to teach patriotism to children?
Patriotism is a feeling of love and devotion for one's motherland. It promotes social sacrifice, which is essential to a state's functioning, reduces the risk of conflict, reduces corruption, and is a very inclusive identity. Patriotism is frequently confused with nationalism, the belief that one's own country is better than all others.
Patriotism, on the other hand, is a sense of pride in what a country stands for, what it has accomplished, and what it hopes to accomplish in the future, both for its residents and for the rest of the world. We demonstrate our patriotism by working or sacrificing for the country's ideals.
Instilling a feeling of duty in children will assist them in becoming future responsible citizens. It is a good thing that you may do for your country. Learn some simple yet effective ways to foster patriotism in children.
Two Factors Important For Patriotism in Kids
To be patriotic, children must learn everything they can about their homeland. Encourage them to read and study more outside of the classroom. This entails reading from a variety of sources in order to gain varied viewpoints on the country's history, traditions, and experiences, as well as its place in the world.
Assist your children in demonstrating patriotism by getting them engaged in making age-appropriate changes in their nation, such as cleaning up a local park, writing letters to their political leaders, or even attending city council meetings.
Ways to Instill Patriotism in Kids
Let's check out the different ways to instill patriotism in kids
Teaching Kids about Great Indian Leaders
Our country has produced many outstanding leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Bhagat Singh. They made huge sacrifices and went through severe hardships in order to achieve independence. Children should be taught about these leaders by their parents or grandparents. Many Indian roads are named after leaders, such as Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, and so on. Every time you drive along these roads with your child, you have the opportunity to inform them about the person you're passing.
Many spiritual gurus from India, such as Swami Vivekananda, have taught invaluable lessons. Inform your children about the teachings of famous Indian saints and leaders. All of this will assist your child in developing a stronger sense of patriotism, love, and respect for the country.
Teaching Kids about Respect and Honor
Honor and respect for the national flag, national emblem, and other national symbols should be taught to children. When the national anthem is performed anywhere, they must be trained to stand up. They should be taught never to desecrate national property and to always act civilly.
They should also be taught to tidy up after themselves and their country. They should be trained to stay off the roadways and not litter.
Patriotic Activities For Kids
You can teach patriotic songs to your kids. You can give them the lyrics and sing along with them. Dress up your children as prominent Indian personalities for events such as fancy dress competitions. Encourage your kids to attend Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations. As a family, you can also go to national monuments together.
Use media to Your Advantage
Show your children patriotic movies. You can look for great books on the freedom movement and other literature that can help your kid develop a sense of patriotism. Every year, the Republic Day and Independence Day parades are broadcast live on television, which you can watch with your children. You may teach children about the parade's significance, and they'll get to see the rich culture and diversity of many states while watching it.
Telling Tales
Parents and grandparents should tell their children and grandchildren about the struggle for independence. Elderly persons, in particular, may have some fascinating tales to tell. Interaction between military people and children should be encouraged in schools. Parents and schools can work together to invite members of the military, such as members of the Army, Air Force, and others, to share combat memories and other information. This will pique the children's attention and offer them an opportunity to connect closely with these people.
Why is it critical to inculcate patriotism in children? How does one foster patriotism in children? Which patriotic activities are appropriate for children? Discuss and share your thoughts in the comments section.
FAQ’s on Patriotism in Kids
Q. How can teachers teach patriotism?
Teachers can help kids come up with positive things to say about our country and its heroes. Teachers can construct class projects that allow kids to learn patriotism from local heroes as well as local and national history with a little effort.
Q. How do you show patriotism for kids?
Children learn patriotism via seeing flags on buildings, reciting the pledge, and singing or watching the National Anthem at sporting events or the Olympics.
Q. What does Patriotism mean to kids?
Patriotism is defined as a love and dedication to one's homeland. It can manifest itself in a multitude of ways, including words, deeds, and thoughts.